There is exciting new research available on the global outdoor fitness equipment market. has released a 118-page report with information about the size of this lucrative industry, where it’s headed in 2020 and beyond, as well as who are its key players – manufacturers & suppliers to clients: consumers like you!
With the recent COVID-19 pandemic, people are looking for ways to boost their immunity systems. This has led them towards adopting a healthy lifestyle which includes outdoor fitness equipment and they’re not alone. The global market is expected to gather prodigious sales avenues in the forthcoming years as more attention continues on boosting our immune system’s power with this growing awareness of its importance.
The recreational pursuit of fitness activities has become a global phenomenon in the past decade. A new industry report indicates that people are not only increasingly seeking to stay healthy, but they’re also finding creative ways of doing so!
A recent study revealed fascinating stats about this growing trend: globally there is an average increase in participation rate from 3% to 5%. In addition, it’s projected by 2022 roughly 10% more adults will be partaking regularly than before and 50 million Americans alone participate at least once per week.
The outdoor fitness equipment market has been segmented according to many important parameters for the purpose of analysis. With this data, we can now see how much revenue is made every year and what the forecast might be in 2026.
The report divides outdoor fitness equipment market into three main parts, namely children’s outdoor fitness equipment, disabled outdoor exercise gear for adults and elderly people with disabilities, and adult outdoors sports products. The output of the study found that more than half of sales in 2019 were from items geared toward older purchasers.
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