A few hours of language lessons are not enough to become fluent in a language. Learning (and mastering!) A foreign language requires effort, perseverance, and patience. But by carefully directing your learning effort and changing your behavior a little, you can make better use of the language lessons and learn a new language faster.
Here are our tried and tested tips so that you can get the most out of your lessons and become a true native speaker!
As you listen to the class, you think that you will surely never forget the new words. Unfortunately, these usually come in abundance, and it is impossible to remember them just by memory alone. Writing down helps here. Writing something down will keep it in your head longer, and creating word lists will help you practice this method. But do you know what’s even better? To use these lists too!
To make your vocabulary list meaningful, try to get in the habit of categorizing new words and relating them to their meaning. This exercise makes it easier for your brain to process each word. Start by using these list-keeping techniques – or combine them!
Divide your sheet into three columns: first for the word itself, then for the part of speech (whether it is a noun/verb/preposition, etc.), and lastly the definition. As you hear new words, write them down on your list. For example: “surgeon”, “noun”, “a doctor who performs surgery”. Cover the crevices when you query yourself.
Highlight new words in color depending on how they are used, e.g. E.g. according to part of speech, topic (traveling, working, eating), or linguistic meaning (colloquial language, formal or informal language). By using colors, you can find related words faster and thus test yourself better.
Keep your memory busy by putting the word in context. Did your tuition teacher use it in one sentence or paint a picture on the chalkboard to help you remember? If that is the case, write it down or write it down. Once you have put the word into context, it won’t go away from your mind anytime soon!
While you may have signed up for a class with a friend or befriended someone from your country there, resist the temptation to sit next to them when you want to learn something. Why? If you work with someone who speaks your native language, you will not be challenged and in a difficult situation, you will be more likely to revert to your own language. On the other hand, reaching out to someone new and different is brave – since you cannot verbally cheat with that person! – and are thus forced to work harder to understand the new language and to be understood in it. And let’s be honest, isn’t that why you signed up for a class in the first place?
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